November Nature Happenings


  • Nov. 1: New Moon; Nov. 15: Full "Beaver" or "Frost" MoonAmerican Tree Sparrow
  • Nov. 3: Daylight Savings Time ends - "fall back"
  • Project Feeder Watch starts and extends until April,
  • Nov. 17-18: Leonid meteor shower peaks
  • Persimmons ripen - delicious when ripe, astringent when unripe
  • Woodchucks and chipmunks go into hibernation
  • Bats seek hibernation sites in caves and abandoned mines
  • Feeders get busier as the month progresses
  • Beavers are very active in the evenings while caching a winter supply of food
  • Waterfowl migration peaks this month
  • Peak of deer breeding season. Use caution while driving
  • Witch Hazel is the last plant to bloom this year
  • Open water is important if there's an early freeze. Put out heated bird baths for a winter water source
  • Look for uncommon visitors to your feeders such as Evening Grosbeaks, Pine Siskin and Red-breasted Nuthatches
    Red-breasted Nuthatch                     Pine Siskin