October Nature Happenings


  • Oct. 2: NEW Moon; Oct 17: FULL (Hunter's) Moon White-crowned Sparrow
  • Oct 8-9: Draconid meteor shower peaks
  • Oct 21-22: Orionid meteor shower peaks Oct 22nd (debris from Halley's Comet).
  • Blue Jays and squirrels cache acorns, seeds, and nuts to be eaten later.
    They have an excellent memory and know where most acorns are buried.
    As a result of uneaten, cached acorns, this species is responsible for "planting" some oak trees.
  • Mid-October brings the greatest variety of migrating raptors, including Golden Eagles and
    Red-shouldered Hawks. Watch the skies ahead of a High Pressure for circling hawks!
  • Autumn colors peak in the third week of October.
  • Goldenrods, Asters, Bonesets and Blazing Stars are in bloom. 
  • Ruby-throated Hummingbirds have departed by the 20th. Call us 823-7889 if you see a
    hummingbird at your feeder after this date! It's probably a Western species!!!
  • White-tailed Deer bucks go into rut.
  • Juncos and White-throated Sparrows become common at feeders.
    Watch for White-crowned Sparrows and Fox Sparrows on their way south!White-throated Sparrow
  • Woodchucks are feeding profusely in preparation for hibernation.
  • Beavers are very active in the evenings while caching a winter supply of food.
  • Green-winged Teals, Canada Geese, Wood Ducks, and Mallards are migrating south.
    Waterfowl migration continues to build. Cormorants, geese, ducks, cranes, swans, ...
    usually fly in a "V" formation. Supposedly, all but the lead bird gain lift from wing-tipped vortices
    produced by the lead bird and those immediately in front.
  • Look for American Tree Sparrows and Pine Siskin at your feeders. Our area is their "Florida".
  • Goldfinches have molted into their winter colors! Watch for them on your Nyjer feeders!
    Keep your seed fresh and dry with a Weather Guard!
    Enjoy the antics of birds at your feeders!!!